What is the Internet? On hearing this name, first of all the names of different websites start spinning in our mind. This is mainly called the Internet. In the Internet, it means a network of computers. So today we will take information about the Internet in this article and know what are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet and how it works, so let’s start.
The Internet is an important medium of communication. Through the Internet, millions of people can share Information, Thoughts, Sound, Video Clips etc. with each other all over the world through computers. It is made up of networks of different sizes and types.
The Internet is a huge network that works to connect many computers and electronic devices of the world with each other. Data can be easily sent from one computer to another computer connected to the Internet.
Internet can be connected to many devices like Computer, Mobile, Smart TV, Gaming Control apart from Wired Connection to Wireless Network.
When two or more computers are connected together, it is called a network. In the same way, there are many small networks like Private Schools, Colleges, Businesses, Governments and the Internet does the work of connecting these networks, so the Internet is also called the Network of Networks.
Many people contributed to the discovery of the Internet. Leonard Kleinrock first planned to equip the US Defense Department with a new technology during the Cold War in 1957. Under this plan, many computers were to be connected and information were to be carried from one place to another. So that the soldiers can get the necessary information very easily.
In 1969, ARPANET (ADVANCE RESEARCH PROJECT AGENCY Network) was created so that any computer could be connected to any computer.
By the time of the 1980s, its name became the Internet. Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn invented TCP/IP. Together they published a paper in 1974. The name was “The Fathers of the Internet”. Vint Cerf is called the father of the Internet because of publishing this research paper.
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Full Form of Internet
The full form of the Internet is Interconnected Network. It is also called International Network, which is a network of very large networks, hence it is also called “Huge – Network”. In many such places it is also called the World Wide Web or simply The Web.
The data available on the Internet is controlled by the Protocol. Through TCP/IP a file is divided into many smaller parts by the file server. Which are called Packets.
What is the Internet?
In 1969, the University of California and the University of Utah in Los Angeles started the ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). The main goal of this project was to connect the computers of various colleges, schools and the US Defense Ministry among themselves. It was the world’s first packet switching network.
In the mid-80s, another federal agency, the National Science Foundation, created a new high-capacity network, the NSFnet, which was more capable than the ARPANET. The only drawback in NSFnet was that it allowed only educational research on its network, no private business of any kind was allowed. For this reason, private organizations and people started building their own networks, after which the Internet was formed by joining ARPANET and NSFnet.
What is the internet?
Following are the benefits of the Internet:
Following are the disadvantages of the internet:
What is the Internet?
The user can take advantage of many types of services from the Internet, such as Electronic Mail, Multimedia Display, Shopping, Real Time Broadcasting etc. Some of the important services are as follows:
It is a widely used text-based transmission, which allows you to interact with each other over the Internet. Through this, users can also share pictures, videos, audios, etc. with each other. Example- skype, yahoo, messenger etc.
Through e-mail, any user can send and receive messages in electronic form to any other person. To send e-mail, it is very important for any user to have an e-mail address, which is unique on that e-mail service around the world. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is also used in e-mail. Under this, some memory is given on the web server, which contains all types of mail stores. Users can use E-mail service from anywhere in the world anytime. User can log in to the e-mail website with the help of username (which is usually his e-mail address) and password and can manage his profile.
An e-mail address consists of two parts – separated by a symbol @. The first part is the User Name and the second part is the Domain Name. For example, ab**@gm***.com . Here is the abcd username and gmail.com domain name.
Through video conferencing, a person or a group of people can talk face to face with any other person or group even though they are far away. High Speed Internet Connection is required in this communication and along with it a camera, microphone, video screen and a sound system are also needed.
It includes Computer Based Training, Internet Based Training, Online Education etc. In which information based on any subject is provided to the user in electronic form. He can get education by seeing this information on any output medium. It is a medium to acquire knowledge from computer or the internet.
Through this, the user can manage his bank account from anywhere in the world. This is a good example of an automated system, in which along with the user (withdraw, transfer, mobile recharge etc.) his bank account is also managed. E-banking can be taken with the help of internet on any electronic device (PC, mobile etc.) Its main examples are- Bill Payment Service, Fund Transfer, Railway Reservation, Shopping etc.
It is also called online shopping. through which the User any goods; For example, one can buy Books, Clothing, Household Items, Toys, Hardware, Software and Health Insurance etc. In this, cash, online delivery and e-banking are used to pay the price of the goods purchased. This can be done from anywhere in the world.
It is used to reserve yourself or any other person for any goods or services on any website. Like- Railway Reservation, Airways, Ticket Booking, Hotel Rooms Booking etc. With the help of this, the user does not have to wait while standing at the ticket counter. It can be done from any place through internet.
It is a social network created through the Internet. Through this, a person coming under that social network can contact any other person, wherever they are both, social networking can be done on social sites and communication can also be established in the form of text, pictures, videos etc. Is.
Some social networking sites are as follows: Facebook, Myspace etc.
Under this, the transaction of goods, maintaining business relations and sharing of business information, etc., includes the transaction of money etc. In other words, it is an internet related business.
It is used to buy and sell any item or goods etc. through wireless communication. In this, Wireless Devices, such as Mobile, Tablet etc. are used. In short, the work that is done under E-commerce, doing all the same work on mobile etc. is called M-commerce.
What is the internet?
Everything has some owner, but when it comes to the Internet, who is the owner of the Internet or who has the right on the Internet, then the answer to this question can be two.
- No one means
- Many people mean
What is the Internet?
The World Wide Web (www) is a system of Internet servers supporting specially formatted documents. It was introduced on 13 March 1989. Documents Markup Language is formatted in HTML and supports links to other documents, as well as graphics, audio and video files. User Crady, Interactive, Multimedia Documents (Graphics, audio, video, animation and text) etc. are its special features.
The web is a collection of many computer documents or web pages. These documents are written in HTML and displayed by the web browser. There are of two types – Static and Dynamic. The static web page shows the same matter every time it is accessed and the matter of the dynamic web page can change every time.
A website is a collection of web pages, in which all web pages are linked to each other by hyperlink. The first page of any website is called the homepage. Example http://lete.org etc.
A web browser is an application software that is used to locate, extract and display World Wide Web content. These are usually of two types
Text based information is displayed in this web browser. Example – Lynx
It supports both Text and Graphics information. Example – Firefox, Chrome, Netscape, Internet Explorer etc.
What is the internet?
It is a computer program that serves the needs of HTML pages or files. There is a requested program related to web client users. Each web server that is connected to the Internet has a unique address called an IP address.
Example- Apache HTTP Server, Internet Information Services etc.
A web address on the Internet identifies the location of a particular web page. Address is also called URL (Uniform Resource Locator). URLs represent the Internet addresses of files on a host computer connected to the Internet. Tim Berners Lee created the first URL in 1991, which is used to publish hyperlinks on the World Wide Web.
Example- “http://www.google.com/services/index.htm”
http | Protocol Identifier |
www | World Wide Web |
google.com | Domain Name |
/services/ | Directory |
index.htm | Webpage |
What is the Internet?
A domain network is a group of resources, which are allocated to a group of users. The domain name is used to identify and locate the computers connected to the Internet. The domain name should always be unique. It always consists of two or more parts separated by a dot (.).
Example-google.com, yahoo.com etc.
Domains are organized by organization and type of country. The last part in the domain name indicates the type of organization or country. for example,
info | Informational Organisation |
com | Commercial Institute |
gov | Government |
edu | Educational |
mil | Military |
net | Network Resources |
org | Non-profit Organisation |
in | India |
an | Australia |
fr | France |
nz | New Zealand |
uk | United Kingdom |
In general, if the last part of a domain name has three letters, it indicates the organization and two letters then it indicates the country.
What is the Internet?
It translates domain name into IP address. The Domain Name System is used to identify servers. Addressing of servers is also based on numbers.
Example- etc., are all IP addresses.
It is a web page or website, in which the advice of a particular person, links to other sites are regularly recorded. Any normal blog contains links to text, images and other blogs, web pages or media related to any other topic, these mainly include textual, artistic images, photographs, videos, music etc.
This is an online discussion group, under which permission is given to talk through Electronic Bulletin Board System and Chat Sessions. This is useful for organizing newsgroups topics in their hierarchies. In which the first letter of the newsgroup is shown by the category of the main topic and the subcategories by the subtopic.
Search engines are used for related information about any subject on the Internet. This is such a type of website, in which any topic is written in the search bar, after which the information related to it comes to us. Some of these are: google – http://www.google.com, yahoo – http://www.yahoo.com etc.
What is the internet?
Some Internet Connections for Internet Access are as follows:
Dial-up is a means of connecting to the Internet with the help of a pre-existing telephone line. Whenever the user initiates the dial-up connection, the modem first dials the phone number of the Internet Service Provider (ISP). Which is designed to receive dial-up calls and then the ISP establishes the connection. Which normally takes 10 seconds. Generally, the term ISP is used for those companies. Which provides Internet Connection to the users.
For example, the names of some famous ISPs are- Airtel, MTNL, Vodafone etc.
Broadband is used for high-speed internet access. It uses telephone lines to connect to the Internet. Broadband provides users with the facility to connect to the Internet at high speed through dial-up connection. Broadband also includes various types of High-Speed Transmission Techniques, which are as follows
It is a popular broadband connection, in which Internet access digital data is transmitted by wires of a local telephone network. It is similar to a dial service, but works at a much faster rate. For this a DSL modem is required, to which the telephone line and computer are connected.
Under this, Cable Operators also provide Internet facilities through Coaxial Cable. Its transmission speed can be 1.5 Mbps or more.
Fiber optic technology converts the data present in the form of electrical signals into light form and sends that light to the receiver through transparent glass fiber, whose diameter is approximately equal to that of a human hair.
Broadband over power line is the service of broadband connection on low and medium voltage electric power distribution network, it is suitable for areas where no other medium is available other than power line. Example- Rural Area etc.
What is the internet?
Wireless broadband connects the home or business to the Internet using a radio link between the client’s location and the service provider. Wireless broadband is fixed or moving. It does not require Cable or Modem etc. and we can use it in any area, where DSL and Cable etc. cannot reach it.
It is a universal wireless technology, in which radio frequencies are used to transfer data. WiFi provides high-speed internet service without cables or wires. We can use it in Restaurants, Coffee Shops, Hotels, Airports, Conventions, Centers and City Parks etc.
Wimax Systems is designed to provide Internet services to Residential and Enterprise Customers. It is based on Wireless Max technology.
Wimax is mainly like WiFi for more and more users, but is used to provide internet facilities at a higher speed. Wimax was created by the Wimax forum, which was founded in June 2001.
Broadband services are also available from Mobile and Telephone Service Providers. This type of service is generally appropriate for mobile users. The speed obtained from this is very low.
Provides necessary links for satellite, telephone and television services. Along with this, it also has an important role in broadband services.
What is the internet?
A group of personal computer networks within an organization is called an intranet. The intranet facilitates communication between individuals or groups of individuals by using network technologies to improve the ability to share data and the knowledge of employees at the time of the organization.
Extranet is a personal network that uses Internet technologies and public telecommunication systems to securely share business information with vendors, partners, customers or other businesses. Extranet can also be seen as an organization’s intranet which is extended to users outside the organization.
The full form of ISDN is Integrated Services Digital Network. It is a digital telephone service, which is used to transmit voice data and control notifications, etc., over a single telephone line. It is used for commercial purposes.
What is the internet?
Protocol is the set of rules that manages data communication. It is called Interconnecting Protocol. Some protocols are as follows:
(a) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol): TCP/IP provides end to end connectivity (which includes formatting of data, routes of addressing transmission and method of receiving it, etc.). There are mainly two parts of this protocol: (i) TCP (ii) IP
(i) TCP: It converts the message into a set of packets near the sender. Which is collected back to the receiver and the message is retrieved back. It is also called Connection Oriented Protocol.
(ii) IP: It allows different computers to communicate among themselves by establishing a network. Handles the task of sending packets over the IP network. It maintains the address of packets on the basis of many standards. Each IP packet contains the source and destination address.
(b) File Transfer Protocol (FTP): Through this protocol Internet users can upload files from their computers to various websites or download them from the website to their PC. Examples of FTP software are Filezilla, Kasablanca, ftp, Konqueror etc.
(c) Hypertext Transfer Protocol: It ensures that messages are formatted and transmitted in some way and what action the web server and browser will take in response to various commands. HTTP is a stateless protocol, because each information in it works independently.
(d) Hypertext Markup Language: It is used for designing web pages. Markup language is a set of markups (< – – >) tags. Which tells the web browser how to display words, images, etc. to the users on the web page.
(e) Telnet Protocol: Telnet session is started on entering valid username and password. It is a network protocol, in which bidirectional text-oriented communication is provided over a local area network using a virtual connection.
(f) Usenet Protocol: There is no central server or administrator under this. Under this service, a group of Internet users can exchange their views / advice etc. on any particular topic among themselves.
(g) Point-to-Point Protocol: It is a dial account in which the computer is directly connected to the Internet. Connection of this size requires a modem, in which data is sent at 9600 Bits/Second.
(h) Wireless Application Protocol: WAP browser is a web browser used in mobile devices. This protocol provides services to the web browser.
(i) Voice over Internet Protocol: It is used to distribute voice communication over IP networks, such as IP calls.
Question: When did the Internet start?
Answer: Internet started on January 1, 1983.
Question: When was internet started in India?
Answer: Internet was started in India on 14th August 1995.
Question: Internet was first started in India by whom?
Answer: State-Owned by Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL).
Question: What is the first page of a website called?
Answer: Home Page
Question: What is the full form of WWW?
Answer: World Wide Web
Question: Who discovered WWW?
Answer: Tim Berners Lee
Question: When did Youtube come to the Internet?
Answer: In 2005
Question: How are computers recognized on the Internet?
Answer: From IP Address
Question: What is domain name?
Answer: A web address
Question: When did the first website come into existence?
Answer: 1991
Question: When did the World Wide Web start?
Answer: 1991
Question: What is the work done on the Internet called?
Answer: Surfing
Question: What is the unit of measurement of internet speed?
Answer: The unit of measurement of Internet speed is Megabits Per Second.
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