Category of Programming Languages

Mostly it has been seen that people learn many programming languages, but if someone asks them the definition of a programming language, then they are unable to tell, and say that I will make the program but do not tell the definition. 

Although this thing is very small, it is a bit bad to not tell anything when someone asks. And people must also think that it does not even know the definition of programming language.

Come on, today I am going to tell you in this post a way by which you can create a definition of any programming language… yes of any programming language.

So let’s go to the definition of programming language –

Any programming language is divided into several categories, mainly of six types –

  • Case Sensitive
  • Non Case Sensitive
  • Unstructured
  • Structured
  • Procedural
  • Object oriented programming

1. Case Sensitive:

Programming languages ​​that do have any specific case (uppercase or lowercase) compulsion to write programming are called Case Sensitive Programming Languages. For example, if all alphabets are bound to be in lower case only to write ‘main’ in a language and write any ‘MAin’, then it will produce an error.


C, C ++, Java, C #, etc .

2. Non Case Sensitive:

Programming languages ​​that do not have any specific case (uppercase or lowercase) compulsion to write programming are called Non Case Sensitive Programming Languages. For example, if there is no obligation to write main in any language, all alphabets are in a special case and MAin, MAIN, maIN etc. are all accepted, then such programming languages ​​are called Non Case Sensitive Programming Languages.


Basic, LOGO, Fortran, Cobol etc.

3. Unstructured:

Unstructured Programming ​​are those programming languages ​​which do not have any specific type of structure for making programs.


Basic, LOGO, Fortran, Cobol etc.

Also Read: Introduction to Programming Language

4. Structured

The programming language in which a particular type of structure is determined to form a program is called as Structured Programming Languages.


C, C ++, Java, C # etc.

5. Procedural Programming:

Programming languages ​​that do not implement object oriented programming concepts or in other words that programming languages ​​do not support modular programming are called Procedural Programming Languages.


C, Basic, LOGO, Fortran, Cobol etc.

6. Object oriented programming:

The programming languages ​​that implement the Object Oriented Programming Concept or in other words the programming languages ​​that support modular programming are called Object oriented programming.


C ++, Java, C #, PHP etc

There are two types of OOP’s Language –

  • Partially OOP It is a programming language that supports both modular and non modular languages. This means that in Partially Object Oriented Programming we can create both Procedural and Object Oriented programs.

C ++ language is only Partially Object oriented programming.

  • Truly object oriented programming: It is a programming language that only supports modular programming. That is, only Object Oriented Program can be created with this type of programming language.

In this way, you must have understood now what kind of programming is there. Now you can define any programming language based on this.

For example, if you look at the definition of JAVA programming language, it would be something like this –

“JAVA is a case sensitive, structured and truly object oriented programming language.”

So you have seen how easy it is to create a definition of any programming language, just you need to know which category of programming language you want to create, and you will easily create a definition of that programming language. . If you like this post, please share it to more people and if you have any more questions regarding the category of Programming Languages, then you can email me at comment or pr***********@gm***.com.

Thank you

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