How to Delete Instagram Account: Step-by-Step Guide

Have you had enough of Instagram and decided to cancel your account for good? You may be asking what the best strategy is to avoid data loss while doing so. Well, fret not! If you’ve decided to delete your Instagram account, this article will walk you through the procedure. Okay, so let’s begin!

How to Delete Instagram Account

Why delete an Instagram account?

How to Delete Instagram Account
How to Delete Instagram Account

Knowing why you want to delete your Instagram account is crucial before you begin the process of doing so. Some of the most frequent explanations for why users cancel their subscriptions are as follows:

  • Security and privacy worries
  • App dependency or excessive use
  • There are too many interruptions and notifications.
  • Affects one’s mental health negatively.
  • Reasons of a personal nature, such as the need for a change or the end of a relationship

Whatever your justification may be, it stands. Let’s move on to how to permanently remove your Instagram profile.

Step 1: Backup your data

You should save any important information you’ve posted to Instagram before canceling your account. Everything you post, from images and videos to texts and comments, counts. To safeguard your information, do as follows:

  • To access your Instagram profile, launch the app.
  • Select Settings by tapping the burger menu’s three vertical dots in the upper right.
  • Invoke Safety, and then Save Information
  • Request Download after you have entered your email and password.
  • Instagram will provide you with a download link via email. The email could arrive anywhere from immediately to 48 hours later.

Step 2: Delete your account

How to Delete Instagram Account
How to Delete Instagram Account

After you’ve made a copy of your Instagram data, you can permanently erase your account. To accomplish this, do as follows:

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  • Click the link that says “Delete Your Account” : (
  • To cancel your account, choose an option from the drop-down menu.
  • To completely deactivate your account, please log in with your password and use the “Permanently delete my account” button.

So long! When you delete your Instagram account, all of your information will be permanently removed from Instagram’s servers. Keep in mind that it could take up to 90 days for all of your information to be totally erased.

Step 3: Take a break instead

How to Delete Instagram Account
How to Delete Instagram Account

Instead of permanently leaving Instagram, you can simply take a break. When you temporarily deactivate your Instagram account, your profile, photographs, comments, and likes will be hidden from public view until you restore it. To cancel your subscription, please do the following:

  • To access your Instagram profile, launch the app.
  • Select Settings by tapping the burger menu’s three vertical dots in the upper right.
  • Select “Edit Profile,” then “Temporarily Disable My Account”
  • From the drop-down option, choose the reason you want to delete your account.
  • Simply enter your password and click the “Temporarily Disable Account” button.

A ban has been placed on your profile. Simply logging in with your original credentials will activate it again.

Step 4: Tips for staying safe on Instagram

How to Delete Instagram Account
How to Delete Instagram Account

Maintaining your Instagram account requires careful attention to security and privacy settings. Tips to think about are as follows.

  • Create a complicated and memorable password for your online account.
  • Add an extra layer of protection by enabling two-factor authentication.
  • If you don’t want just anyone to view your posts and stories, you may make your profile private.
  • Think before you post things like your location or personal information on Instagram.
  • Instagram has a support service you can contact if you encounter any strange or harassing behavior.


How to Delete Instagram Account
How to Delete Instagram Account

If you want to take a break from social media and safeguard your privacy, deleting your Instagram account may sound like a scary prospect, but it’s actually rather easy. Taking a break from Instagram may be preferable to permanently deleting your account if you aren’t ready to say goodbye to the app. And if you do choose to preserve your account, please take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of your personal information. We’re glad you found this post helpful in explaining how to close your Instagram account.


Can I recover my deleted Instagram account?

How to Delete Instagram Account

No, once you delete your Instagram account, you cannot recover it. Make sure you’ve backed up your data and thought through your decision before deleting your account.

How long does it take for my Instagram account to be permanently deleted?

How to Delete Instagram Account

It may take up to 90 days for your data to be completely deleted from Instagram’s servers. During this time, your account and data will be inaccessible.

Can I temporarily disable my Instagram account?

Yes, Instagram allows you to temporarily disable your account, which means your profile, photos, comments, and likes will be hidden until you reactivate your account.

Can I delete my Instagram account from the app?

No, you cannot delete your Instagram account from the app. You’ll need to use a web browser and go to the Delete Your Account page.

Will deleting my Instagram account delete my Facebook account?

No, deleting your Instagram account will not delete your Facebook account if you’ve linked the two accounts. They are separate platforms and require separate actions to delete.

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