What is Facebook Instant Article and how to write it?

Facebook Instant Article is a new feature of Facebook designed for mobile users and publishers. Which can prove to be a boon for Slow Internet areas.

The advantage of Instant Article is for both publishers (Websites/Blogs) and readers (Reader/User). A publisher can convert its web content into Instant Articles and post it on Facebook. And the user can read that post directly on Facebook itself. He does not need to open the browser. In an Instant Article Mobile, it gets loaded in about 1 second. So that the user can read it just by tapping.

In this post, we will give you complete information about Facebook Instant Articles. We have created a Full Setup Guide on Facebook Instant Article.

The purpose of this guide is to give some complete information about Instant Article. This guide has been written keeping in mind the bloggers in Hindi. But, its benefit will also be available to an ordinary reader, who wants to know about Instant Article. What’s in this Basic Guide for you.

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Table of Content

What is Facebook Instant Article and how to write it?
What is Facebook Instant Article and how to write it?

What are Facebook Instant Articles?

Facebook Instant Article is a web document which is written in Standardize Markup Language (eg, XML). It opens faster than a simple webpage. The publisher can customize it according to his web article. That is, the formatting that is in the web version of that article, Formatting can be done in the same way as in Instant Article. For this, a separate style is created in Facebook.

Any webpage can be converted into an Instant Article. It does not have to be written separately. Which Content (Post, Article) is in a webpage. At the same time, all the content is also in an Instant Article.

Features of Instant Article

The biggest feature of Instant Article is its loading speed, which makes it different from an ordinary webpage. Apart from this, it has many features. Which we have told below. These features have been written for both the reader and the publisher. Because Instant Article is useful for both.

1. Fast Loading

As we mentioned above that Instant Article loads about 10 times faster than an ordinary webpage. Where a normal webpage takes about 7 seconds to load. Whereas Instant Article opens in about 1 second in Mobile Phone. Hence it is the choice of both the publisher and the reader.

2. More Interactive

Instant Article opens faster. That’s why the reader likes it. And it adds up to more. And along with reading it, he also likes to share it with his friends. According to Facebook, Instant Article is shared 30% more than ordinary posts.

3. Clean and Readable

Apart from the content in a webpage, other features of the website/blog are also loaded. Like, Contact Form, Related Posts, Advertisements etc. Due to which the user has some trouble in reading the original content. But, an Instant Article does not contain anything other than just the original content. That’s why Instant Article is more clean and readable in appearance. What more could a reader want than this? Perhaps that is why 20% more Instant Articles are read than Facebook Post.

4. Only for Mobile

Instant Article can only be read on Facebook’s Mobile App. Because Instant Article is made for mobile phones only. This feature is available for both Android and iOS.

5. Formatting

Formatting of Instant Article can be done separately. Therefore a publisher can style Instant Article according to their website/blog post. Which Font, Font Size, Color are used in a webpage. The same style can be created for Instant Article only. With this, the publisher maintains the identity of his brand. And the reader also feels connected to his favorite brand.

6. Advertisements

The goal of a light is to earn money apart from giving knowledge/information. After all, this is what he is working hard for. That’s why the way publishers show ads in the middle of a webpage. Similarly, ads can be shown in Instant Articles as well. For this you can use Facebook Ads or other Third Party Ads. And you can convert your hard work into money. The ads shown in Instant Articles will cost 100% of the money only for one light. If he has shown Ads from Facebook, then he will have to give about 30% percent of the revenue to Facebook.

7. Analytics

The way a webpage is tracked. Similarly, Instant Article can also be tracked. For this, like Facebook Post, each Instant Article provides Insights. Apart from this, you can also use any other Third Party Tools like Google Analytics to track Instant Articles.

What is needed to publish Instant Article?

To make any webpage an instant article, you will need a few things. Which are probably already available with you. We have told about the essential things for Instant Article below. You also check your things. And find out if you have them and do you need one?

1. A website or blog

The most important thing that is needed for Instant Article is a website or blog. To publish Instant Article, you must have a website or blog. Because from this your Instant Article will get the content. Only one webpage / post is transferred to Instant Article.

2. Facebook Page

The content of the website/blog you want to convert into Instant Article. He should also have a Facebook page. Whatever you will have. Yes, keep one thing in mind, the page you want to connect to the website / blog. You should have an Admin Role in this page. So if you do not have an Admin Role, then first set up your Admin Role. Only after this you will be able to connect this page.

3. Facebook Pages Manager App

As you know, Instant Article is made for mobile phones. That’s why you must have Facebook’s Pages Manager App. Through this you can manage all Facebook pages. The webpage you have submitted for Instant Article. You can see them through this. In this, you can already see the same form as it will appear after Instant Articles is published. That is, you will be able to see its preview even before publishing Instant Article. That’s why you should have this app.

4. Some Sample Article

If you have just started blogging, and your blog is new. So you should have about 5 posts. Facebook reviews your content before approving the publishing of your Instant Articles. For which he gets you to submit at least 5 articles for review. You get the approval of Instant Article only after reviewing these sample articles.

5. Some technical knowledge

Last but important. You also need to have some simple technical knowledge. Well, don’t write about it. But, nowadays blogging has become so easy that you can do blogging even without the knowledge of technology. So those who are new. Some things can be a headache for them. Because in the process of setting up Instant Article, you have to do some such things, which you have not done yet. That’s why this paragraph has to be written. You should have some knowledge about HTML, RSS Feed, Installing Plugin etc.

How To Setup Facebook Instant Articles?

Setting up Facebook Instant Articles is a huge process. Therefore it is not possible to publish it in text form here. That’s why we are providing you the video below to do this work. Through which you can complete the setup of Facebook Instant Articles on your blog.


In this post, we have given you complete information about Facebook Instant Articles. You know what is Instant Article? And how to do Facebook Instant Article Setup? We hope that this tutorial will prove useful for you.

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